Crashing when opening blueprint class

Hi all,

I have been making my own game but have run into some crashing issues when trying to create a blueprint class from a custom c++ class.
Basically I have a some code which inits a basic StaticMesh and SphereComponent and then checks for collision with the PlayerPawn. The first time I made the BP class and added to my scene it worked fine, but when I tried to reopen the BP it crashed and all times after that would crash when trying to remake the BP class (specifically when I try to add a Mesh in the BP editor).
This crash seems to have only really started recently (it worked fine for ages before) and I am wondering if anyone has any idea of a potential solution?
Just incase it’s relevant - my laptop is really,really terrible, has basically no RAM (4GB) and uses Windows 7, can this be a potential cause of the crash?
Also the error report is the standard Access Violation one which a lot of people seem to encounter.

Thanks in advance for any help =)