CRASHING Out of Video memory allocating a texture

So Unreal is crashing every 10 minutes or so, most commonly after PIE(play in editor) for my VR game. The crash makes no sense as I absolutely have plenty of Video Memory.
No other major programs are running in the background and the GPU has plenty of memory left when the crash occurs.


As you can see, Unreal is using just above 2048Mb of ( assuming video memory ) which would correlate well to taskmanager’s numbers of current usage.

My specs:

Intel Core i9-10850K
Nvidia RTX 4090 ( 24GB VRAM )

I see no indication that Unreal is actually out of video memory, and I see no reason Unreal should think that it is. So why this is happening is beyond me at this point.

Here is a screenshot from Task Manager, here you can also see its not nearly hitting the limit.

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Hey @AquaRex!

Have you verified your installation of UE and checked your Nvidia settings? You may need to do a reset on your global settings if there is a possibility UE is trying to use built in graphics instead of your graphics card.

In the meantime, check out this thread that may have a possible solution to the problem you are currently facing:

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Thanks for the quick response!
It is putting load on the GPU so I don’t think Unreal is trying to use build in graphics.
However, following the post you said, I increased the Pagefile size, this solved the issue.

So it seems to me Unreal is falsly reporting “Out of video memory” when in reality it’s maxed out the pagefile size.

This error message should be changed to reflect what is actually wrong, instead of sending people on a merry chase thinking something else is causing the issue than what is actually causing the issue.

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Thank you very much, It worked for me : D

I recently have samiliar issue, mine is 13900k + 4090, seems to be a bad combination some how. But I kinda found a work around, goto Intel website and download “Extreme Tuning Ulitily”, then set p-core and e-core down a little bit, and the crashes and blue screens never showed again. Worked for me. Just give it a try.

That this error [message] hasn’t been addressed in well over a year makes me sad. I’m glad I found this thread though as it saved me some of my remaining hair.

I never would have thought to increase my pagefile size from this error message. Especially since task manager is showing 8/20GB used for GPU RAM and 12/16 used for Shared RAM. Never occurred to me that pagefile was full cause who would think of that?

Hey neVez I’m having the same exact issue on unreal engine games with the same specs 13900K and 4090 24 VRAM. I tried doing what you recommended and it sent me to BIOS and was holding me hostage. Thankfully I managed to undo it in BIOS but what did you set yours to for it to stop crashing? I feel I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere.