Crash while processing delegate callback UE 5.2.1

My delegate callback that wasn’t having any issues in prior UE versions, is crashing in UE 5.2.1 (was also crashing in 5.2).

Here’s the context:

  1. There is a “Level Challenge Activator” class that derives from a “Challenge Activator interface” class.
class SPHERESLAPPER_API ULevelChallengeActivator final : public UChallengeActivator_I
  1. That ChallengeActivator interface class implements an ‘onActivationEvent’ callback for a Multicast delegate, and a virtual ‘processActivationEvent’ function that child class implementations are expected to implement.
class SPHERESLAPPER_API UChallengeActivator_I : public UObject
// ...
	void onActivationEvent(UBundle* eventArgs);
	virtual void processActivationEvent(UBundle* eventArgs);
  1. Here’s the code for how that works:
void UChallengeActivator_I::onActivationEvent(UBundle* eventArgs) {
	if (EventUtils::EventParamsMatch(mActivationEventParams, eventArgs)) {

void ULevelChallengeActivator::processActivationEvent(UBundle* eventArgs) {
	// do stuff

What started happening in UE 5.2:

  1. The LevelChallengeActivator’s processActivationEvent gets called and processed.

  2. Upon LevelChallengeActivator.processActivationEvent completing, I get an ‘Access Violation Reading Location’ exception in the following engine stack function (line that is excepting is bolded):

FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE void FFrame::StepCompiledIn(void* Result, const FFieldClass* ExpectedPropertyType)
	if (Code)
		Step(Object, Result);
		checkSlow(ExpectedPropertyType && ExpectedPropertyType->IsChildOf(FProperty::StaticClass()));
		checkSlow(PropertyChainForCompiledIn && PropertyChainForCompiledIn->IsA(ExpectedPropertyType));
		FProperty* Property = (FProperty*)PropertyChainForCompiledIn;
		PropertyChainForCompiledIn = Property->Next;
		**StepExplicitProperty(Result, Property);**

If anyone has any insight into why this is happening and/or why it started happening in UE 5.2, that would be great! Thanks in advance!