Hi Guys,
Hope anyone could help me. I make an Actor class and C++ and then make a blueprint Actor derived from the class. At first, I want to use the UTextRenderComponent. So I code this in the C++ header
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Text")
UTextRenderComponent* ActorText;
and in C++ class
ActorText = Initializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UTextRenderComponent>(this, TEXT("Title"));
ActorText->AttachParent = RootComponent;
I compile and run UE Editor from Visual Studio. It works and there is a UTextRendererComponent. But when I saved it, it crash and show the following stack
I removed the UTextRenderComponent from the Actor class, there was no crash anymore.
Then, I tried using BlueprintNativeEvent. After I override the event in the Actor blueprint, the crash was happened again when I tried saving the asset.
For information, I use SVN.
Anyone can help me how to solve it? Or, what did I do wrong?
Thank you in advance for all your help.