I am experiencing a crash somewhere in this line:
UMaterialInstanceDynamic* Material = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(SobelMaterial, this);
I’m sort of new to this C++ stuff, so I’m hoping it’s just a silly mistake
SobelMaterial is in my header:
UMaterial* SobelMaterial;
What do you mean by “crash when compiling”, you getting compilation errors? where do you compile?
I mean the engine crashes right when it finishes compilation
Oh so you compiling C++ using button in editor? But you compiled code after you restart?
No it won’t let me open the editor after it crashes it just keeps crashing. I have to delete the binary and intermediate folders then take out the .h and .cpp files, make new ones, paste the old content into the new ones, try something new and recompile. If it goes wrong I have to repeat the processes. as you can probably see it’s really annoying and I would appreciate a fix as soon as possible.