Crash when accessing UPROPERTY() member of USTRUCT()

I have a USTRUCT() declared like so in Weapon.h:

struct FWeaponData
    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Config)
    int32 Priority;

As well as a reference to it in the class declaration:

class WEAPONESSENTIALS_API AWeapon : public AActor
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Accessors)
    FWeaponData GetWeaponConfig();
    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Config)
    FWeaponData WeaponConfig;

GetWeaponData() is an accessor method with the following implementation:

FWeaponData AWeapon::GetWeaponConfig()
    return WeaponConfig;

The data in WeaponConfig is supposed to be set in the defaults of any blueprint that inherits from AWeapon. In the code of AWeaponEssentialsCharacter (in WeaponEssentialsCharacter.cpp), there is some code that attempts to access a member of the USTRUCT() that results in an EX_BAD_ACCESS:

void AWeaponEssentialsCharacter::ProcessWeaponPickup(AWeapon *Weapon)
    if (Weapon != NULL)
        if (CurrentWeapon == NULL) // No weapon is currently equipped
            AWeapon *Spawner = ()->SpawnActor<AWeapon>(Weapon->GetClass()); // EXC_BAD_ACCESS here
            if (Spawner) // Valid weapon
                Spawner = CurrentWeapon;
                int32 SwitchValue = Spawner->GetWeaponConfig().Priority;

Unless I wasn’t paying proper attention, I did not see anything in the tutorial that initializes FWeaponData WeaponConfig in the C++ code. However, either the member or the USTRUCT() is null, or the USTRUCT() itself is null. What seems to be the issue in the handling of the USTRUCT() in question?

All of the above code is from a project adapted from the following YouTube tutorial series:

Any “Access” crashes means you trying to do something on non-existant (NULL) or not valid thing

     if (CurrentWeapon == NULL)  //By that CurrentWeapon will be always NULL inside this scope 
         AWeapon *Spawner = ()->SpawnActor<AWeapon>(Weapon->GetClass()); //You set Spawner
         if (Spawner) // You check if spawn succed and Spawner is set, not NULL
             Spawner = CurrentWeapon; //For some odd reason you set Spawner to CurrentWeapon... which always be NULL
             //So now Spawner is also NULL 
             int32 SwitchValue = Spawner->GetWeaponConfig().Priority; //So now you calling GetWeaponConfig() on NULL..... BOOM!

It turns out that Spawner = CurrentWeapon should’ve been CurrentWeapon = Spawner. I made a typo and entered the assignment in the wrong order, then found myself unable to spot the error. Thanks for the help!