September 3, 2015, 1:35am
Got this very annoying crash after I deleted a Macro in an user made Macro Library and then opened a BP that was still referencing it.
Create a Blueprint Macro Library
Add a Macro (Let’s call it TestDelete )
Create a Blueprint Pawn
Add a Macro and place TestDelete macro
Restart Editor to make sure it’s well refreshed
Open Blueprint macro Library and delete Macro TestDelete
Restart Editor (an error will appear in MessageLog tab)
Open Pawn Blueprint
Open Macro that was using TestDelete . should Crash without possibility to replace missing reference
As a workaround : recreate deleted Macro (TestDelete ), restart editor.
Hi Genova,
Thanks for report! I was able to reproduce this in 4.9.0 and our internal build, and I’ve entered a bug report for crash (UE-20717). I’ll post here when I see any update on it.
I’m not 100% sure I’m following same steps, however. Just to be sure I’m getting same crash as you, please copy information from Crash Reporter window after this crash occurs, including Machine ID, and paste it here. Be sure to hit Send. Then I’ll be able to compare your call stack to mine and ensure we’re seeing same thing. Thanks!
September 6, 2015, 1:33am
I actually wanted to reproduce another Macro bug that i will report afterwards and hit crash in different ways when reproducing this one now ^^:
Compiling is problem as far as i can see:
I created an empty Macro in Actor inherited Macro Library BP - saved
Created an Actor BP and added Macro - compiled and saved and closed window
I deleted macro - saved
Crash when opening Actor BP
Another try:
I created an empty Macro in Actor inherited Macro Library BP - saved
Created an Actor BP and added Macro - NOT compiled and saved and window still opened
I deleted macro - saved
Macro was renamed from default macro name to “EdGraph_35” in Actor BP
Closed and opened BP again → still EdGraph_35 node in there
Compile → Crash - I sent this Crash Report
Editor crashes if BP is opened again
Adding EdGraph_35 Macro in Library did not work. Adding original “NewMacro_0” worked.
I just posted UNDO problem, perhaps it is caused by same issue: