Crash on launch (shipping or dev) Windows


I’m trying to build the project to have a version of the prototype that I can share for testing purposes. Because the multiplayer seems to have issues with in editor play…

But when I try to package the game I get this error :


I also attached the log to this post :[here][2]

What should I do ?


Hey rXp,

Thank you for reporting this issue that you’ve been experiencing. This is actually one we’ve seen a lot recently and a bug has been entered for it. If you’d like to reference this report in the future, please refer to UE-17532

At this time, it’s still an issue that we’re working on and it has not been fixed internally. If you have any further questions about this specific error, please feel free to ask. For all other questions, please submit a new AnswerHub post.


Thank you for that answer. Is there any work around for this bug or a fix in the upcoming 8.1?

Thanks :slight_smile: But hum… I can’t find the link to ^^ can you help me?

At this time, there is not an estimated version listed on this . I’d suggest following up in a few days to see if there have been any changes. :slight_smile: