I’m trying to some simple LineTrace stuff so I can
1.) See if the character is looking at something (within a certain distance)
2.) See if that thing is a certain class (so that we can interact with it, pick it up, etc.)
I’m having a trouble with Step 2.
If the object IS one of the classes I’m looking for, it registers properly and all that. If, however, I’m looking at a Geometry Brush object, UE4 crashes immediately.
The culprit line is as follows:
if (HitResult.Actor->IsA(ACBaseWeapon::StaticClass()))
This conditional crashes the game, as does the line UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Actor Name: %s"), *HitResult.Actor->GetName());
I assume therefore that the issue is with HitResult.Actor and geometry brushes. What work around do I need to use?