I had this crash on Mac with the 4.5 branch too. Here it is on linux
See here Creating Static Mesh Causes Crash - YouTube
See outputlog as attachment.
link text
I had this crash on Mac with the 4.5 branch too. Here it is on linux
See here Creating Static Mesh Causes Crash - YouTube
See outputlog as attachment.
link text
UE4Editor crashes when creating static meshes. Event at startup time while it tries to create default object it crash sometimes.
This test was done with NVidia GFX and NVidia drivers. The same happends with Intel Mesa Driver too.
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 12GB ram, Nvidia Quadro 5000
Driver: NVidia 346.16
Hi ,
I was not able to recreate the issue following the steps listed above or by following along with the linked video. However, noting the GPU you’ve listed above, that series does not possess OpenGL Version 4.1 or GLSL Version 4.10, which is required, as shown in the following graph:
I think UE4 is supposed to support OpenGL 3.2+ too?
(Linux case)
It is not a Quadro FX 5000, It is a Quadro 5000.
Page Not Found | NVIDIA (full OpenGL 4.4 support, Nnvidia Drivers 340.16)
And as I mentioned I had this even on a Mac 10.9.5 doing using the UE4 4.5 version. Will test again and confirm it it disapeard or not.
I have the same effect on a Intel 4600 on Ubuntu 14.04.1. It’s using Mesa Driver 10.4.0 which at least supports full OpenGL 3.3.
I can not imagine that creating a static mesh needs anyway a big version of OpenGL. This is a serious bug and makes the Editor almost useless.
A few clarifications:
From what I can see in the log it would appear that the attempts to make the GL context current are failing, which seems unusual. I’d be much more interested in the Mac crash logs and specifications since that is my specialty.
I entered that to our bug tracker (for reference: UE-5718), we’ll try to repro it in-house too.
Apologies - I’ve edited my above post as it wrongly implied we don’t support the Linux Editor, but we moved to support the Linux editor a few versions ago.
I’d still like to check the Mac crash reports if you have them, in case there’s something different going on to Linux.
It seems like that using -ansimalloc won’t crash the editor creating static mesh.