Unreal Engine 5.5.3
Android 13,level 33
Samsung Galaxy S20 5G (SM-G981U)
I have a UDatatable* DT_Gift, and configured the data. The data was successfully loaded in PIE, but when I packaged it and ran it on an Android phone, executing auto RowNames = DT_Gift->GetRowNames() always caused a crash.
Below is the crash log:
Fatal error: [File:./Runtime/Core/Private/Containers/ContainerHelpers.cpp] [Line: 14]
Trying to resize TSet to an invalid size of 18446744073709551612
[Callstack] 0x0000006C7D277B10 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AB40B10)!FContainersSmokeTest::RunTest(FString const&)
[Callstack] 0x0000006C833F80FC libUnreal.so(0x0000000010CC10FC)!int TMapBase<FName, unsigned char*, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<FName, unsigned char*, false> >::GetKeys<TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >(TArray<FName, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&) const
[Callstack] 0x0000006C84B2006C libUnreal.so(0x00000000123E906C)!UGameSubsystem::NewSave()
Below is the code:
if (DT_Gift)
auto RowNames = DT_Gift->GetRowNames();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("RowNames Num: %d"), RowNames.Num());
Does anyone know what’s going on and how to solve it?