Hi! So I’m creating a Crash Bandicoot fangame. When you collect a fruit it should play an animation in which the fruit goes accross the screen to player’s HUD, like in Crash Bandicoot games. I’ve tried many diffrent ways and I just can’t figure out how to do it. Do you have any advice?
I’ve created a small project to demonstrate one of the ways this could be handled:
Project link (v4.25):
- the player has a widget that represents their interface
- that interface widget has an additional (animation) canvas that we can shift elements in
- when the player collects an item, we create a widget that represents that item and add it to the above-mentioned canvas
- the player interface interpolates the location of the item widgets between starting location and another widget’s location, here represented by the white (collection) border
- we also count collection items, and destroy their widgets
Do tell if anything is unclear.
Thank you so much this helped me a lot