CPP RepNotify and Delegate, bind via Blueprint, won´t call..

Hi there…

So… this is my first time dealing with RepNotify and Delegates in Cpp.

This is my binding for the Delegate in my PlayerController:
Inventory_Items is an ActorComponent, that is written in Cpp, holding my Inventory System.

The Event “Client_UpdateInventoryUI” is an RPC RunOnOwningClient, that simply takes all opened or hidden Inventory Widgets and updates their Grids via a ForEach Loop of the UI Ref Array (and fires a print String at Completion - Important for the problem…).

To the Code Part _>
the Header

#include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h"
class THEGAMENAME... UAC_InventorySystem
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category="BDC Inventory")
	FUpdateContent OnContentUpdate;

	UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_SelfContent, EditAnywhere, BlueprintGetter=GetContent, Category="Inventory Setup")
	TArray<FStruct_InvContent> SelfContent;

	virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const override;

And the CPP


void UAC_InventorySystem::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const
	DOREPLIFETIME(UAC_InventorySystem, SelfContent);

void UAC_InventorySystem::OnRep_SelfContent()

The Component is replicating and auto activated…

I don´t know, what is not firing… the OnRep_ or the broadcast of the delegate… but I see no print String from the UI Update Event…

Can someone lead me into the right direction?

does UAC_InventorySystem have replication on in it’s CDO?


yes, it has.

As a workaround for now… i broadcast the delegate every function call, that changes the inventory content… until the OnRep Function works…

I´ve watched a few more tuts on that topic now… and can´t see a mistake…

Add some UE_LOG and/or print strings to figure this out.

Calling a client RPC from the event seems redundant. RepNotify events are already triggered on client.

Can’t really tell what’s wrong from the screenshots, but I’m a bit suspicious about that replicated “Inventory Items” variable. Actor components shouldn’t have to be held in a replicated variable. Is it a component of the player controller, or something else ? Where are you doing the binding, is it Begin Play ?

Inventory_Items is an ActorComponent addd to the PC, just renamed.

I don’t know why its working now…
after removing and adding the ActorComponent to PC again… its working… just out of nowhere… changed nothing…
just deleted the AC and added it again… :person_shrugging:t2: