CPP component is not visible in BP editor

Hello, Im new in UE, I’ve been scratching my head over this question.
I have no idea why class WeaponComponent is not visible in editor, no errors.
So sorry that I can’t describe issue better.
Any suggestions will be nice, thanks!

cpp file

header file

I think you need EditAnywhere macro added

here’s a useful resource:

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Thanks, no it didn’t work

Careful with this, usually VisibleAnywhere is preferred otherwise the blueprint editor can bug letting you modify things you shouldn’t be allowed to modify.I can’t find a clear example of some details I wrote in the past but I remember adding EditAnywhere to a property storing an ActorComponent on a Pawn and the editor panel would create conflicts with the c++ added component (CreateDefaultSubObject). There’s this issue as well (by design) where BP edits silently keep overriding c++ ones:

Bug, UPROPERTY removed from the editor panel still overriding c++ values

This could actually be happening right now (along with countless other things) but for this particular case where the c++ is alright but the blueprint fails you have to mark (or recreate) a misbehaving UPROPERTY and mark it Transient as discussed on that link.


You are missing the UCLASS macro above your component

UCLASS(ClassGroup = CommonLogic, editinlinenew, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class SHOOTTHEMUP_API USTUWeaponComponent : public UActorComponent {


Class Specifiers | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

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