CPP classes not appearing on project reload unless i activate live coding, messes up code

When i close my project and open it again, all the c++ classes i created in the previous session seem to vanish unless i use live coding again. Its a bit hard to explain, so i recorded it to better demonstrate it

Normally, i wouldnt have a problem with this, since it takes seconds to fix, but the issue is it seems to mess with my code.

I’ve been following a tutorial on an AI that just roams around certain TargetPoints, very simple. So, to detect the target points, i use UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass() to find the instances. However, the line above does not detect those points unless i delete the ones i placed previous to closing the project and reloading it.

I know its a long question, so if something is unclear or if many things are, please ask, i will try to answer the best i can.


build your thing in visual studio before launching.

when you use live coding, it doesn’t replace any modules, it builds new ones then links into them. so when you exit and restart, you have to build.