Course: Your First Hour in Unreal Engine 5.0

This course from the Epic Online Learning team will introduce you to Unreal Engine 5 and the editor used to work within it. We’ll look at the Launcher, Editor, creating a basic level including lighting and level layout, and Blueprints. An updated version is available for 5.2.


I’m a little stuck right out of the gate. The first video instructs us to download UE5 and then download the Unreal Learning Kit, but the kit only works in 4.26 - 4.27 and tells me I don’t have a compatible engine. What should I do now?

You should be able to click the create button and it will continue as normal. This is part of the course, below the video should be information on how to do this if you need more help.

Got it, thanks. I was confused when it said “click ‘Free’ to add to your library” but I had no such button and I kept seeing the warning bang about the version, so I assumed I couldn’t proceed.

After all the migrating is completed, trying to run the maps gives a blueprint error. Is this normal?

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I got the same issue.

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What error are you encountering? Post a screenshot or the log here so we can try and help if there is a problem.

-Matt, Epic Online Learning

Has the video been removed? If so, is there a recommended substitute video for first hour in UE5?

The course is still there from what I can see, the link at the top of this post goes directly to the course.

-Matt, Epic Online Learning

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Would be nice to see the course conclusion section updated to match the new learning portal.

Video is missing for me

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Hey Shootychop,

Do you think you could give some more information on what you are experiencing? A screenshot would be great as well showing the issue you are having when you try and go to this course. Also, how are you trying to go to this course, or from where are you getting to this discussion?

-Matt, Epic Online Learning

In the “Working with Additional Assets” video, after migrating the map and trying to play the level, the mouse X-axis doesn’t do anything, you can 't turn/look left or right. I think because the imported blueprint is referencing control actions/bindings that don’t exist in the ‘MyFirstHour’ project, and migrating the blueprints didn’t migrate the actions/bindings. I tried messing around with creating new bindings or changing the blueprint, but I couldn’t get anything to work (but I don’t really know what I’m doing, so there’s that).

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Doh! Ok, Now I see that three videos later this is actually discussed and resolved. (A bit confusing though - hitting that issue and it’s not addressed until three videos later.)

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I installed UE5 before watching the first video and have a lot of unnecessary files downloaded. (iOS, Linux etc etc)

I want to save some space and wonder if there is a way to uninstall these or should I just uninstall the whole thing and try again?

answered my own question by watching the second video, thanks :slight_smile:

I got stuck attempting to migrate the level in the lesson: Working With Additional Assets
I click ‘No’ on the /Niagara dialog to avoid the bug. Clicked Yes to All on the “Asset already exists” dialog. Then I got this error. What can I do to migrate those files?


There is another way that should work if you are still stuck on this issue, when the dialog box comes up with the files to migrate you can uncheck the Niagara folder (and leave the rest checked) and it should migrate without Niagara at all.


If this still does not work, can you post more of the error above? the rest of the message is cut off on the right.

-Matt, Epic Online Learning

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Thanks Matt, I appreciate your fast reply. Your answer worked.

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Despite the fact that I have some experience, this course was still informative. Thanks.

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We’re glad to hear that even someone with experience was able to find something useful with this course! Feel free to check out our other Unreal Engine 5 courses!

-Joe, Epic Online Learning