Course: Animation Ecosystem for Game Development

I knew I was missing something as well. I was looking for the loop option, set it on the actual animation, at least until I saw this little snippet. Thank you!

Thanks for putting this course together, it really helped me finally begin to feel “centered” working with all these interrelated assets and editors for animation.

Just a couple notes for ya as a long-time programmer:

  • I know it’s not technically what the lesson is about, but I really appreciate you taking the time to leave comments on the graphs and encourage the habit for anyone watching. Their colleagues will thank them for it someday. Or maybe take it for granted. BUT, everyone’s lives will be happier for it.

  • ALSO BUT, please don’t say “comment out”, lol. I did a double take the first few times, since in a programming context “commenting out” effectively means to ignore/mute the code in question.

  • More a question than a note here, but was there a specific reason for creating your own “IsCrouching” variable in the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter, beyond demonstrating how to create your own variables to communicate between BP/ABP? I noticed the Movement component also has a function that returns whether or not the character is crouching, which I ended up using as I followed along.

  • One last thing I can think of–and this isn’t a bug or anything–but it seems like the Animation Blueprint’s cast reference to BP_ThirdpersonCharacter should be set from the EventBlueprintInitializeAnimation event rather than EventBlueprintUpdateAnimation. Anyway, just me nitpicking.


Thanks for that! I was getting that same issue too

That is really helpful feedback. Thank you for sharing!

~Cole, Epic Online Learning


The best Tutter, that I have found till this day. Clean, easy, and not done in a closed circuit, so easy to build upon

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도움이 정말 많이 되었습니다.
좋은 강의 감사합니다.

Good points, another nitpick, we created a variable for tracking movement in the Animation Blue Print’s Event Graph for checking should move, but there was already a ShouldMove value defined.

Thank you!! I kept going into the animations themselves and hitting the loop button, with no effect.

Thank you very much for this amazing tutorial series - it contains most of the information I was looking for to transition from another engine. Very cool. Cheers! :smiley:

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Thank you !! One of the best tutorial out there.
I just want to add a little tips
For those who are using UE5.1 and want to use enhance input action (For holstered and unholdstered) just add a trigger (Pressed) to your Input action :wink: !! If not your animation will behave really weird.

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Regarding state transitions, I thought that with the state alias set up that we would not have to use a state transition? Or is this only the case if we had another state alias hooked up to the Locomotion for uncrouching?

You might want to add an input key (shift) for sprinting. After that in BP_Character you can create an input action event for sprint, which sets the maximum movement speed to the desired value upon being pressed. And when the button is released, set the maximum speed back to the default. Max speed parameters are in “Character Movement” component :thinking:

Thank YOUUUUUU I was wondering what I did wrong. Also I’m pretty new for this engine

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Rotate your camara and press A or D instead of W or S

How you added Event BeginPlay without disrupting the main one?

Why was the Weapon_BP was added as a child of the mesh? Isn’t it preferable to add it like a “weapon component”?
I am just wondering what would be more effective and scalable for the future.

In the Adding animation video where you add crouch functionality, is there any specific reason for adding the ‘crouching?’ check twice? I feel that it is redundant there. A check in the outer state alone seems sufficient.

download not available
“Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it.”

Hi @JeanMichel_4D,

There was an issue with downloading projects from Marketplace around the time period you posted. The project is currently available and we were able to download it. If you’re still experiencing the same error and are able to share additional information with the community, they might be able to help you.

~ Cole, Epic Online Learning

Is there a playlist on youtube or bilibli, videos on community won’t play on my computer because of my ip address.Don’t know why.