I release my demo last Sunday and there as been a rare instance where a user experiences a “Couldn’t Start” error message. Attached is a screenshot from one of the bug reports submitted to me. This bug has been experienced by 3 out of 1,261 users. I’m posting here since the error was able to be reproduced 100% of the time by these users even after re-downloading from the mirrors I supplied to my fan base.
The demo was packaged as shipping in 32 bit windows. The assets are packed into .pak files. No additional settings out of the ordinary were used besides the defaults.
The game was packaged in Unreal 4.7.
If there is a solution I can execute to the audience without Unreal support, i’d be grateful. Else, if its an engine issue, i’ll have to issue a statement regarding a delay on a fix for them. Thanks!
"Error Couldn't Start:
"C:/Documents and settings/*username*/Desktop/NaughtyShinobiv0001/Engine/Binaries/Win32/UE4Game-Win32-Shipping.exe"
CreateProcess() returned c1."
Thank you for reporting this issue. I have looked into what may be happening and have come up with 2 possible solutions.
The first could be that, when you are sharing your project, when the users are downloading, their antivirus software may be causing an issue when downloading your game. I would have them try to downloaded it without having their antivirus on if possible.
Let me know if this is helpful with the errors. It may also be a hardware issue, so if the problem remains after trying these steps, would there be a way to get their DXdiags?
Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
Just wanted to check in with you and see if these workaround have been helpful for the users testing your project? Please be sure to let me know so that I may be able to assist you further. Thanks and have a great day!
Thank you for providing the DXdiag from one of your users. I have looked into the specs of the GPU and CPU, and they are significantly lower then what is recommend to run any games from UE4. I have provided some links to show you were the GPU and the CPU rank among what we recommend.
I also noticed that the RAM is at 2 GB. The recommended is 8 GB for the Engine.
Though this is the minimum recommended for running the editor, having specs that are significantly under this is going to cause errors.
If you can, would the other 2 users with this similar issue be able to provide a DXdiag? This would be the best way to compare the errors that they are all coming across.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions
I was able to get one other DXDiag. From the looks of this user’s log, they meet system requirements. Although i’m unsure if your engine supports the Intel HD Graphics Family even if it supports DX11. Never worked with that sort of hardware.
Looking at the ratings of this card compared to our recommended, I believe that is safe to say that we do not support a card with that low of a rating. I am not saying that the card will not work with your project, but they may find difficulties when attempting to play your project.
As for the HD Graphics Family, it is not that we do not support those cards, but we do highly recommend an upgrade.
Just wanted to check in with you and see if you had a chance to test something with those users. Would you be able to send them a packaged project using the new preview build? There have been many bug fixes from Preview 4 to 5. I doubt this may fix the error, as I believe the error is lies in there Graphics cards.
Let me know how that goes if they happened to get the project to run.
Just wanted to check in with you and see if this issue has been resolved with the update of the engine. Please be sure to let me know so that I may further investigate or close out this issue.
I am going to mark this issue as being resolved for tracking purposes but if you see this issue happen for more users, please feel free to reopen this issue so that I may be able to further investigate. Let me know if any additional information is needed.
Just wanted to let you know that this issue is still there if Avast antivirus is running in the background. When it’s turned off, it’s working well. Is there any way to make it more friendlier to the user? At the moment, it looks like the game is sending some crash report as soon as you launch it.
Thank you for posting on this issue. What version of UE4 would you be using and is that version a Binary or Source build? Would you be able to capture an image of the Antivirus notification that shows from UE4?
Hi Sean, I’m using v 4.7.6. It’s a pure blueprint project and I’m not using the source build. However I do want to point out that the game starts after a while even though this message appears. But at first glance, a new user would think that the game has crashed. Also, it only appears during the first launch after packaging the game. I did not see this issue in subsequent launches. However it pops up again once if I move the project to a different folder.
Thank you for the additional information and screenshot. Are you able to replicate this issue on a blank template project? Just want to be sure that we cover all bases of why this may be occurring.
Hi Sean, sorry for the delay. I have tested it in a packaged [development] blank blueprint project in v4.7.6. I’m getting the same pop up window during the first launch.