Couldn't Start "../UE4Game-Win32-Shipping.exe" .Uproject

Thanks, got it.

Here are the log files you asked for: link text

HI Stormrage256,

What I’m seeing now in your logs is this error:

ModuleManager: Module ‘GameplayDebugger’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

Here is another AnswerHub thread wherein a user was experiencing a similar issue (his was Mac, however), and it was determined to be a known issue (UE-13075), which should be integrated into the upcoming 4.8 update.

In the meantime, you have to either rebuild UBT or run GenerateProjectFiles .bat (which should be in your UE4 folder) files after modifying build.cs files.

These could all be unrelated to your main issue, but it is worth a look.

Thanks wittlief, I will keep checking in the 4.8 preview updates. If it gets rectified, I’ll post it here.

Hi Stormrage256,

Just to update this issue, it looks like the fix for UE-13075 was integrated and should have made it into the 4.8 preview 4, released yesterday, if you’d like to try. If you do open your project in the update, be sure to make a copy, do not convert, conversion can sometimes do unpleasant things to blueprints.

Hope this helps!

Hi wittlief,

I’ve tested it out in both native v4.8 p4 projects as well v4.7.6 projects opened in v4.8 p4. Unfortunately in both cases, I’m experiencing the same issue for the first time I package a game into a new folder.

If I delete the packaged game contents inside a folder (A) and then repackage the same or different game into the said folder (A), everything’s fine. But if I create a new separate folder (B) and then package to that folder (B), the pop up window comes again for the first time.

Hi Stormrage256,

Have you tried adding UE4 to your Avast application whitelist? I assume there is such a thing, I am not overly familiar with Avast, but that is still what is causing this problem, yes?

Hey wittlief, I was having the same problem as Stormrage using 4.8.2. I am also running Avast. I put the packaged game into a new folder, whitelisted that folder in Avast, and ran the game for the first time and I did not get the error.

For anyone else, open the Avast user interface, go to Settings > General > scroll down till you see Exclusions > then add your folder there.

I’ve had problems with Avast and UE4 in the past. I also had to add exclusions for the entire engine directory and my projects directory.

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