I tried to import .udatasmith model from 3ds max but I keep getting these errors:
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Static Mesh 57 for Static Mesh Actor DrawCall_0256.StaticMeshComponent0.
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Static Mesh 58 for Static Mesh Actor DrawCall_0257.StaticMeshComponent0.
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Static Mesh 59 for Static Mesh Actor DrawCall_0258.StaticMeshComponent0.
and etc.
I have _Assets folder at the same level as .udatasmith file.
I don’t have any special characters in file path.
I’ve chosen the right 3ds Max plugin version here (3ds max and 4.27 UE version)
None of fixes i have found here on forum could help me out (this and etc.).
How can i resolve my problem? Are there any special settings for export in 3ds max except installed plugin + choosing datasmith format?
Are there any other ways for “simple” export from 3dsmax to Unreal Engine 4.27?
P.s. I have Datasmith Content and Datasmith FBX Importer plugins enabled
P.p.s. Here is a directory containing udatasmith file: