Correct way to play mediaplayer audio in 4.18?

So in 4.17 I was using audio with mediaplayer like so:

MediaPlayer = ConstructObject<UMediaPlayer>(UMediaPlayer::StaticClass());
NewMediaSoundWave = ConstructObject<UMediaSoundWave>(UMediaSoundWave::StaticClass());
UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(World,NewMediaSoundWave, FVector(0, 0, 0));

In 4.18 Runtime/MediaAssets/Public/MediaSoundWave.h doesn’t exist anymore. How should I be coding something similar after the update?

Also is there anywhere but release notes I can get more in depth info on what has changed with regards to code in the update?

As an update I’ve tried creating an actor and adding the mediasoundcomponent, however I get errors when attempting to include “Runtime/MediaAssets/Public/MediaSoundComponent.h”

Error is from MediaSampleQueue.h and is:
‘_InterlockedIncrement’: is not a member of ‘FWindowsPlatformAtomics’ 50

Ok I think I figured out my issue. First you do need to create an AActor, place it in the level, and add the MediaSoundComponent. With this I was getting errors trying to include MediaSoundComponent.h however I found it was only in one file.

Tracked down the error to when I include windows.h/stdio.h which I was using to get drive paths. I’ll now have to find out how to do that.

Fixed the issue with windows.h. Works as long as it’s not included before MediaSoundComponent.h

Is it still possible to create an Audio sound asset from MediaPlayer in 4.18?

I figured it out - we now need to add a MediaSound component to an Actor in the level (just like described above in C++)