Correct way to display two cameras

Hey guys!

After some time trying to get a dynamic split screen, I have managed to get it to work the way I want (some things need polishing, but I have it working)

But I wonder if it is the right way to do it, if there is not a better option in terms of performance, finishes,…

Basically, I have a camera in the middle of the two characters, and when they move away, I show a widget with two images. Each image has a Render Target, and each Render Target is loaded with a SceneCaptureComponent2D.

Also, one image is on top of the other, and with a material, I hide part of the image so that the one below is visible, which does the dynamic camera trick.

I feel like this is not optimal at all, that I should be able to use two cameras instead of capturing scenes to a Render Target and displaying them from the UI…

Anybody know about this? Any tip?

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This is similar to my post about rendering Secondary Views. It gets much more complex if you don’t want to use SceneCapture2Ds. At least in what I am trying to do. :confused:

I haven’t figured it out yet. If I do I will let you know and help you set up something with your setup.

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Thanks mate! I didn’t see your post before.

I’ll keep trying things out, I’ll let you know if I see anything too.

Hopefully someone who knows about this will check out our posts.

complex issue.

down in the engine you could use a stencil operation to limit each scene render in the raster stage. you’d have to prefill the rendertarget or the main backbuffer with the “splitter shape” and a simple stencil value of 0 or 1.

when rendering each scene camera view you raster only what is stencil_ref 0 or stencil_ref 1 per respective view. you still render 2 views but should have a single pixel output for both segments, no overdraw.

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So, it seems inevitable to use RenderTarget to get more than one camera at the same time, right?

If I understood correctly, the only difference is that instead of using two images, one on top of the other, I use only one loading the information according to the stencil channel, right? I’ll try this way too. Thanks!

So, maybe I should also use RenderTarget in the non-split view, because when switching from the camera to the RenderTargets the lighting is not exactly the same and it looks weird…

I wonder if the engine’s default split screen uses Render Target to get more than one camera…

a straight rectangular split screen would internally use RSSetViewports that has a D3D12_VIEWPORT and rectangles provided for each camera view, or it would render it back to back with each viewport set.

you doing it this slanted way is complicating it a lil bit, tbh. needs some hacks to do that fancy thing and only draw everything once. hmmhmm.

a rendertarget in fullscreen will double that. yes.

to fix the lighting difference you gotta enable lumen in the scene capture seperately. this is an intentional control setting for performance reasons.

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I have read and followed the instructions to use 2 cameras like that. Thank you.

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