Correct DPI scaling for UI

I’m trying to figure out how to scale UI assets for export. From what I understand the base DPI/PPI for UMG is 96, so does that mean I should be scaling all my assets up 133% since base DPI is 72 for most things (I am using photoshop generator so it only outputs 72dpi). From what I understand DPI is meta data and basically it just scales the image up in reality, so doing 133% up scale is same as going from 72 to 96/

I want to make sure 100px in photoshop is 100px in UMG, which it seems won’t be the case if it runs a higher res.

are my assumptions correct or am I way off?

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this is what you probably searching for:

yeah I already read through that. My main problem is what baseline PPI setting I am running all my assets at. I thought it was 72, but I’ve been told from devs that it is actually 96. so 100px by 100px at 72dpi/ppi is actually not same physical size as 100px by 100px at 96, it would end up being 133px by 133px to not be resized by unreal. Unless I am misunderstanding something.

I am also interested,
Did you find the solution ?
