Copying and move devices in verse code


is there any verse functionality to copy devices at runtime, so that i have to create only one device and copy and move it to any position that i want it to be?
The reason is that i don’t want to create all these devices manually in the editor.

Does someone know more about it? :slight_smile:

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I am not sure about copying, but you can certainly spawn in devices and props. You could program a trigger or button or action to do so by way of the devices themselves or by using Verse code.
Something like this:

And the devices or props could be teleported or moved or spawned to whatever location you wanted.

Could you clarify on what it is exactly that you want to achieve?

I want to do this same thing too! My example is I have set up one collectible device with its own mesh and parameters in the details tab. I also set up a custom sound effect upon collection. The collectible is serving as an item box and the player gets one random item when they collect it.

I would like to essentially reference that one collectible device already set up and place them around my map at positions I marked out with beacons (and I would use tags for those). The beacons act more or less like empty objects or visual placeholders since they won’t be seen by players in game.