How can I match the pivot point of one static mesh so that it matches the other?
Can you give an example?
As an example.
I made a static mesh object in UE4 relative to an object I imported. But their pivots are in different places. I want the pivot point of the object I made to be in the same location as the one I imported. If they were both in the same place then I could just drag and drop them both onto my map and snap one object to the other and they would stay relative to each other because their pivots would be in the same place.
Any ideas how to solve this?
EDIT: This sort of thing is possible in the editor now, with modelling mode.
Right, so you can drag them in one go and they all line up.
You’ll need to move the pivot points. As far as I know, there’s only 2 options:
Do it in Blender ( or another editing tool ).
Get Pivot Tool:
Also, depending on what you need to do, you can get away with just putting any mesh where the pivot should be, make it Hidden in Game and disable Collision, and parent your object to it.
And then just move/rotate that new pivot mesh.