While doing the Creating a Fluid surface with Blueprints and Render Targets tutorial, i came across a regression/bug/different behaviour in 4.15 compared to engine version 4.14 and 4.13
The tutorial allows you to copy/paste material expression graphs and pasting the HeightSim-material in version 4.15 renames the texture parameters. See attached pictures.
This breaks the tutorial and I am not sure if this is intended behaviour. If this is intended, there should be a note for the tutorial to manually rename those affected nodes for [this tutorial][3] when using engine verison 4.15
Just to let you know there is a JIRA for tracking this, UE-43159, although I’m not sure what the targeted release date is just yet. We’ve seen this internally too so I’ve requested the priority get bumped if possible.
EDIT: Looks like this is going to come through in 4.16.