Since few weeks, we have a cook issue, each time we make a cook, the global game seems overexposed, like the global lighting blows up, and it’s very different from the edditor/stand alone viewport.
What I have in editor :
I have only 3 directionnal lights, but I was testing many combination of lighting, spot light, point light, etc.
As I know, there is no post-processing node inside our project, but I have to confirme that with my teammates this evening, so consider there is no except I post an erratum
for the moment, there is no reflections capture volume used because no metallic shader are used (only BPS default material and a basic specular material
I actually use a light mass importance volume which include all the playable area, but not the background part where players won’t go. Is this could be a problem ? Should I make it bigger in a way to include all geometries ?
1.) I would eliminate all but one directional light inside of your scene. Depending on your settings they are all hitting that specularity channel and it is essentially causing the specularity to cascade across itself from different angles.
2.) I would look into the documentation for post processing and discover how much your scene can be optimized with field distance and AO. The volume will allow a secondary control over your lights over the properties inside of the lights themselves.
3.) If you do not have a metallic channel in any of your materials then I wouldn’t worry about the capture volume. However, even with spec you can add a Constant value for your roughness channel to allow you to control just how much specularity you are creating.
4 Your lightmass importance volume should include everything within your project. Think of your world inside of a shoe box. This shoe box includes everything within your project. It has a hole in the top to let the light shine in and then you receive small amounts of light reflecting off of the side. If you have a part that extends outside of that box, out of the top, then the light that that part of the object receives will be different than that of anything inside the area of the box.
It is good practice to encompass everything in your project inside of the Light Mass importance volume.
Thanks for the help in this (I’m a BoUBoU teammates).
Where I can understand that all the suggestions can improved our lightining calculation & experience, what I don’t understand is how those changes explain/solve the differences between the Cook version and the Editor/StandAlone rendering.
As far as I know, they should behave exactly the same, except if some settings are set “on” inside the editor by default and not in the Cook version.
Could you please help us to track down those discrepancies if any? Do we have to analyse some specific ini files?
In order for me to truly answer those types of questions I will need your project itself. Just the Content, Config, and .uproject file.
That way I can lay eyes on specifically what you are doing. Without this we will be going back and forward for days on this issue guessing and possibly not finding the issue.
We are still working on this issue, trying to make some tests on a parallel map, in order to isolate the source of the problem. As we all work on our free-time, it’s a little much longer than we expected ^^
We will keep in touch with you when we’ll have more informations (during this week I think)
For tracking purposes I will need to close this thread. I cannot leave issues open for extended periods of time. If you are still experiencing this issue then message me directly.