I have an Android Plugin that communicates with Java. It returns from Java with a native function. One of the parameters of this function is JObject. How can I convert this JObject into an FJsonObject?
Java native function:
public native void nativeFacebookOnLoadFriendsComplete(JSONObject Object);
And this is the C++ function:
extern "C" void Java_com_epicgames_ue4_GameActivity_nativeFacebookOnLoadFriendsComplete(JNIEnv* jenv, jobject thiz, jobject object) { }
Those are Java Native Interface (JNI) types, here some extensive tutorial on JNI i found
Just you know jobject is referencing to Java Object it something compliantly different then object which part of JavaScript standard and has nothing to do with Java objects.
I think better approach is to read data on Java side and pass the raw data to C++ so you don’t need to process java object in C++ which sounds like uphill task.