Converting Grapple Hook Blueprints to Code

I’m making a grappling hook.
Heres the blueprints I started with:

Heres my attempt at porting those blueprints to code:

// Called every frame
void UGrappleGunComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	if (m_IsHooked) 
		//if player comes within 400 units of hook, or if player passes 90 degrees from hook normal, detach.
		distanceToHook = m_Sphere->GetComponentLocation() - m_HookedLoc;
		//if (distanceToHook.Size() < 400 || FVector::DotProduct(m_ImpactNormal, distanceToHook.GetSafeNormal(0.0001)) > 0)
		if (distanceToHook.Size() < 400)
		else if (FVector::DotProduct(m_ImpactNormal, distanceToHook.GetSafeNormal(0.0001)) >= 0)
		//if you have no reason to detach, launch!
			ACharacter* PlayerCharacter = Cast<ACharacter>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(GetWorld(), 0));

			//LaunchVelocity calculation
			FVector LaunchVelocity = ((m_HookedLoc - m_Sphere->GetComponentLocation()).GetSafeNormal(0.0001) + m_Character_Aim_Direction->GetForwardVector()) * 10;

			//launch character with calculated velocity
			m_Character_Movement->GravityScale = 0.33;
			PlayerCharacter->LaunchCharacter(LaunchVelocity, false, false);

The blueprints are in BP_GrappleHook, which inherits from GrappleGunComponent, where the code is. As I understand it, this code should work the same as the blueprints, but when I cut the link from the event tick node to the rest of the functionality and let the code do the work instead, the 90 degree check stops working. I may be misunderstanding the maths but I’m pretty sure the calculation is identical in both instances.

I’d do some logs these are very different at a glance so logs will be your best friend in figuring out the issue

What’s different about them? I would think they should be functionally identical.