Converting existing project to custom build unrealengine

I’d make something to unreal engine 4.10.1 to apply some custom features for our artists. It compiled very well and with modified engine and editor works well with new project made by modified editor but when I tried to convert existing project made by non modified engine It just shows error message same as screenshot I attached. How can I fix it?

Hi. Make a good backup of your project folder and ensure its safe… then, right-click on the .uproject file and click SWITCH UNREAL VERSION. You will see the custom in the drop down. Apologies if you have already tried this, just didn’t see in your post above and that normally works just fine. Let us know if this does not answer your question…if it does, please mark resolved. Thanks…


Ack! Are you going backwards? For example… Is the compiled version newer than the binaries. Because, you can’t go backwards… Also, can you give your team the compiled version of the engine? That’s always an option.

I’ve tried your solution but unreal editor showed same error as screenshot. I am using UnrealEngine 4.10.1 and I got same version of sources from Epic’s GitHub and compiled with VS 2015 community edition .

What about migrating the MAP? When you do that it will move all the necessary stuff with it…