I am using the Niagara Sample RVT node to sample the BaseColor from a landscape and tint particles accordingly.
The RVT BaseColor uses the YCoCg color space.
If I use the SampleRVT node as is, the color it outputs is completely wrong.
I tried to apply a conversion fomula found in ColorSpace.ush
float3 YCoCg_2_LinearRGB(float3 YCoCg)
float Y = YCoCg.x * 0.25;
float Co = YCoCg.y * 0.25;
float Cg = YCoCg.z * 0.25;
float R = Y + Co - Cg;
float G = Y + Cg;
float B = Y - Co - Cg;
float3 RGB = float3(R, G, B);
return RGB;
but after that the color is even more wrong.
Gives me this color :
When it should be this:
also tried the formula on wikipedia, but doesn’t work either.
How can you convert this properly to be used in Niagara?