Convert relative path to absolute path Python UE4

I’m trying to make a tool where it will grab and copy to the clipboard the file path of an object in the editor or file browser so I can easily get the path without having to open the source location through the content browser every time.

Right now I can use unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_selected_level_actors() to get the relative path of an object in the scene but I haven’t been able to find a way to either get the full path of an object or convert the relative path to an absolute path.

LogPython: [StaticMeshActor’“/Game/Main/Levels/Lighting_20.Lighting_20:PersistentLevel.SM_TrashCan_02a2”'] is what that prints

This post talks about something similar but I haven’t had any progress using the get_system_path function in UE4