All i was trying to do was print a property thats part of the character (the class calling the above function) but then i noticed UE switched UProperty to FProperty. Great, ig, but how do i convert one to the other and vice versa?
this code doesnt work because the function needs a UProperty (i cant change it to FProperty, i tried) and FindPropertyByName returns an FProperty cuz WE LOVE DEPRECATING CODE. How do i get out of this mess?
Everything you used to do in C++ with UProperty should work pretty much the same with FProperty.
Can you show some code of PrintThis ? What happens when you change it to FProperty ?
Unable to find “class”, “delegate”, “enum”, or “struct” with name “FProperty”
Ive tried including the UnrealType.h file and forward declaring the type, and nothing worked. As for calling the function, ive done:
if(FProperty* Prop=this->GetClass()->FindPropertyByName(FName("JumpMultiplier)))
//Prop is now a FProperty thats a reference to a property within this class
//......, theres no way to call my function that uses UProperty when what i received is a FProperty.
// FProperty Prop != PrintThis(this,UProperty Prop);