Controlling blending area or painting a mask through mask

Hi, everyone! I have a question here. We have a mesh that has a layered material with virtual texture landscape blending. What this blending does is fill the entire mesh with the landscape material. That’s okay. I have control over the blend edge and blend height, but that’s not saving. What I want to be able to do is:

  1. Paint the yellow area through a mask with basic textures because, basically, it’s a hole near a fallen tree, and it needs to be dark and all that stuff.


  1. Be able to somehow control that area from blending with the landscape (less likely).

Need help here because my head is already popping! Thanks, everyone.

Its a little hard to see what you’re trying to achieve with all the scribbles. But if I’m understanding, you just want to change the texture inside the hole? And it seems like that is the landscape peeking through the middle of the hole?

If its the landscape there, you can either use a decal, or draw a mesh into the virtual texture (which can be done even if it is not drawn in the main pass). Both of these can overwrite the landscape and show whatever texture you want.

This video demonstrates using both a plane to write into the RVT and a decal to pass along data to alter the landscape material.

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Hi! Tnx for the video tried it, but that’s not really it. Base mesh is not a plane, so decals are not quite acceptable here. The goal is to be able to limit blending area, or exclude selected area out of blending. The easiest way that I came up with is controling blendig area with parameters of blend edge and height. The pit is easily edited by landscape mode erosion. Tnx any way ))

It doesn’t matter what the base mesh is. Any mesh can be used as a stamp to draw on the terrain like that, because it will draw it from top down.

But if your mesh is not a good fit for drawing into the virtual texture for some reason, then you can add a second mesh such as a plane that has the sole purpose of cheaply drawing into the RVT. This was my suggestion.

Simply spawn the RVT stamp (the plane in the video) at the same XY position as the hole mesh, and then you can draw whatever you want into the RVT from the plane, giving you the ability control the blending independently of the hole mesh.

The plane is then hidden during the main render pass, so you only see the hole mesh and the landscape - but the plane’s contribution to the virtual texture is maintained.

This technique is commonly used to stamp things like roads onto landscapes, and is popular because it is cheaper than decals.

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