Im trying to do moba movement system, by that I mean move to mouse click. My problem is that after setting up input and playerController, when I get the controller from my character reference and call MoveToLocation(), I dont get any warnings yet the character doesn’t move. I did set up navmeshVolume, I also did assign my character an AIcontroller.
I really don’t know what is wrong, and would be greatful, if someone could provide me with steps, that will enable me to controll my character using navmesh from playerController.
Create a top down example project. It already has click to move mechanisms implemented. Study it and use the same mechanisms to get the movement working in your game.
Ik i tried, but the thing is that there the camera is a component of the character, i need to control camera separately, and for that i cant let the character possess playerControler
An old project where I basically did a simple implementation of this already. It’s in 5.2
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Thanks a lot
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