Control material lerp through BP

I’ve set a material to pulse between two colours, is there a way I can control the pulse through a blueprint timer? I want to sync the material pulse with a synth that starts with the timer - I’m trying to connect the timer to the material through material instance but I’m not sure what I’m doing!

Image - this timer controls a few different synths, so that they’re synchronised - I want the material pulse to also synchronise, through this timer. In game, there is an object that the player can interact with, this turns on the synth velocity and since it’s already running through the timer, it’s already playing and is heard in sync with other synths that can be turned on. I need the material to start pulsing with the timer at level start so that it’s also in sync.

I’m not sure how to connect the parameter to the time period that’s driving the lerp?

I’m trying to connect the timer to the
material through material instance but
I’m not sure what I’m doing!

You must be close.

Create a scalar param in the material (hold 1 and click), right click it and ConvertToParameter, give it a name.
Drag a wire from the material dynamic instance reference and search for SetScalarParameterValue, set the name as above.

You can now use this parameter to drive the lerp node’s alpha in the material.

Try it like this:

Essentially, if you are using a parameter, there’s no need to adjust the Timer Period anymore, you’re in full control now.

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Thanks, that’s got it :slight_smile: