Hi there!
I have an alert light that works just great, when my different alert levels are activated it animates some vector values just great. What i would like is to be able to have 100 alert lights all over my level, which copy this behavior, (without working out the logic 100 times)
So an array seems the way to go, but while I can get my alert light manager to create an array of all it’s children just fine, my issue is I don’t know how to get the static meshes out of each of those child actors (there’s a light component too, but one thing at a time!) I can set up the array just fine, but have no idea how to progress from here. (ie, get components from the actors in it!)
So I’m wanting to: >get all children, >get all static meshes, >set scalar parameter value on materials. I know this functionality will exist, but I think i’m just searching the wrong things in the blueprint node browser. Any tips on the nodes I am looking for?
Thankyou very much for any help.