Contributing to Unreal Engine documentation

I wanted to suggest some modifications (fixes/improvements) for the engine documentation.
After browsing the GitHub organization, it doesn’t look like there’s a repository for documentation, and I couldn’t find the documentation directly under the engine.

Is there a way to submit a pull request with contributions for UE documentation?

Greetings @oryanmoshe

We always appreciate our communities feedback! Take a look at this post. Is this is what you were looking for?

Hi @FrostyJas,

I believe he was talking about any of the documentation pages under:

The source for the documentation doesn’t appear to be in the primary Unreal Engine GitHub repository.

For example, if I wanted to add a section to this documentation page mentioning additional useful world partition related console commands at the bottom of the page, how would I go about doing that?

Oh! I see! Thank you for clarifying! I’ll pull some info and inquire about this for you. (I’ll post back here when I get an answer on it)

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Hi @FrostyJas,

Sorry to ping about this again, it’s just been a few weeks and I haven’t heard back so I figured I’d reach out again. Did you hear anything back from the team about how/if there is a publicly accessible way to contribute to the dev documentation?

Thanks for your help here!

Oh wow! Sorry! The thread got lost on me! I’ll check around tonight and post back. (At latest on Monday. But, I will not forget you!)

Hi there @thegattis

I did checked around and it doesn’t appear there is a way to currently do that. However, as the team mentions here on the stream it is something they want to implement in the future.

I hope that helps!

Hi @FrostyJas,

Thanks so much for finding a recent update on this, this is exactly what I was talking about thank you! It’s great to hear that they are aware. I really appreciate it!

What would be the best way to stay up-to-date regarding this feature? Is there an expected timeline for this to available to the community?

You’re welcome! I’d just keep an eye on any announcement/threads on the forum here most likely. They should announce when the feature is enabled.