Content theft?

Firstly, I’m not defending them per se. I just don’t think it’s worth making such a fuzz. Also pointing out the fact that there’s nothing we could do really. Maybe you haven’t tried, but I can tell you Steam’s 2-hour + 2-week policy is gold. It has saved me a lot of money from poor games. If it’s a scam it won’t work. If they earn anything LOKA is not half bad. Simple as that.

Secondly, you seem to know nothing about law. Granted what they’ve done is not ethical, is bad, and I’d like to spit on them, but it is legal given what I’ve seen so far(except if they broke Crytek’s EULA). The content is licensed for use with UE based product, which LOKA would fit in perfectly. (BTW, given the circumstance, you might not know that you can actually export any assets you bought on Marketplace and export them to use them elsewhere so long as you are not re-selling them. Just a tip, could be useful if you are working on a Unity project and see a nice looking pack here) False advertising (per my understanding) could be a fragile argument but my understanding is limited on this. Unless you can find something in EULA or any other agreement we clicked “Agree” on, that says explicitly against what they are doing, there isn’t much you could do. You should realise that law is barely about justice, especially so in civil matters.

And don’t bother checking my IP. I’m from China where people can do much more and much “smarter” than the LOKA fellows. I guess you can’t imagine how game industry is like here… Just like I can’t imagine why are you so serious… I guess iff you’ve seen what we’ve seen you would just laugh it off and move on too. I mean, seriously, why do they publish their game on Steam, where real gamers buy games, where a solid refund policy is there… The “right” place to go if they are up to scamming, is Apple’s AppStore, where no refund policy exists, explicitly at least, and where common people that don’t play games much spend money at… It’s practically a joke if they are trying to scam money… like carrying water in a basket…

I just can’t help it… An example: we have C&C Red Alert 5 here… Didn’t bother checking it out… Another one: Diablo 11 with Tidus as the cover star, I guess that’s where the number comes from… Plus a ton of COC alike games on AppStore and some of them actually have a place on the top grossing list (again, I haven’t seen any scam-games on Steam’s; not many orange user review games even, except Ubisoft’s games…)

Seriously dude, you worry too much… Have a laugh and go on with your life.

Accusing someone based on nothing. I think you are out of control here… And if you would mean it then you would have stopped after i told that i took action.
If crytek and Epic dont do anything then we have to accept that. Even if we dont like that.

You can use the UE4 content while you use UE4 and there is not problem here.

About the Crysis 2 meshes and textures that is illegal.

Not sure why the people vote that cross the greenlight and then make this.

This thread from the first post don’t have logic and you all are giving points, while the guy made the game is free to use that assets, the only problem are the Crysis 2 assets accusing of content theft while is not true in the UE4 assets case…

Can anyone get a key and see what’s the difference between the infiltrator demo and their “game”?. I can’t get it, since I was banned some time ago.

Seems like they removed Infiltrator assets and Infiltrator video from their page. I’m glad our nagging changed their “vision” :smiley:

Small step towards the right direction I guess. At first I had no intention for posting this thread, but since the dev instead of giving an explanation, he banned everyone who was a hassle to deal with. Now I’m just curious how much work he put in to the game. Is it 99% similar to the infiltrator demo or it got a nice overall improvement.

Infiltrator was never ‘his game’, but he was using it as a trailer for it.

Some more updates if anyone is interested. It seems that the dev is buying positive reviews.

Edit: some more interesting stuff :smiley:

Also there’s no price for that game even it has been released, does it mean that it was removed from the store or what? Some people mentioned that also.

If the price is gone, then it isn’t currently on sale.

I don’t see the point in spending the time to throw together a “trailer” with content that isn’t your own. It seems like a big waste to me. You might as well spend the time making your own assets. People spend too much effort on trying to get by the easy way, when that effort is better spent taking some pride in your own work. In my opinion the fun part is creating your own assets any way.

Heh. Welcome to steam greenlight. Home of asset flips, crappy meme games and videos for literally anything that already exists and violates copyright.