Constructor Helpers::FObjectFinder is triggering a breakpoint

Following some examples I’ve seen on these forums/answerhub.
Trying to get a reference to a material from the content browser via:

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMaterial> Material_Red(TEXT("MaterialInstanceConstant'/Game/Materials/Red.Red'"));

(This code is being called from a method on my ACharacter subclass

But for some reason this is triggering a break point in ConstructorHelpers.h at this point:

struct FObjectFinder
	T* Object;
	FObjectFinder(const TCHAR* ObjectToFind)
>>		FString PathName(ObjectToFind); // Breakpoint here

		Object = ConstructorHelpersInternal::FindOrLoadObject<T>(PathName);
		ValidateObject( Object, PathName, ObjectToFind );
	bool Succeeded()
		return !!Object;

Any clue as to what is the problem?

While not completely solving the problem, it seems at least part of the solution is this:
Calls to FObjectFinder must be made in a class’s constructor.

I have the same problem. It seems that you can’t use Constructor Helpers outside of UObject.,I have the same problem. It seems that you can’t use Constructor Helpers outside of UObject. So if you using pure c++ in parts of your game tough luck i guess.