Constructing valid IPv6 URL for ClientTravel

I’m currently trying to play test my packaged multiplayer project online with some friends across the internet, hosted with an IPv6 address.

When attempting to use either the console’s ‘open’/‘travel’ commands, or PlayerController’s ClientTravel() I can connect to my game fine with IPv4 on my LAN. However, with an IPv6 URL it fails with the error

“URL Name may not contain the following characters :” Which is obviously necessary for an IPv6 address.

Looking at the online subsystem code in the ShooterGame demo is not giving me much insight unfortunately. How can I make a straightforward connection to an IPv6 host?

Edit: I see at IPv6 addresses are expected to be wrapped in square braces (why doesn’t the error raise this?), but upon doing that it just fails to connect with no reported error. Any idea what’s missing?

Friend, my game was also rejected by Apple. Can you help me solve the problem? I am new to development and would like to ask for your help in my project. I am sending below the link for you to see the problem that I am facing. Thank you very much

Did this ever get solved?