Constraining mesh in natural position

I have game items (sword, backpack, etc.) that are represented as static mesh components on their own actor.
The location of these items is determined server-side.

Therefore the item’s client-side locations must be accurate to the server.

The problems:

  1. If simulate physics is on, the items tend to bounce off eachother instead of stacking properly.

  2. If simulate physics is off, then there is no gravity and the items don’t look natural because they don’t have the right pitch/roll to match the terrain or especially when stacking on other items.

  3. If collision is turned off, the items just stack inside eachother (or I can turn off gravity and stack them by checking for other items when I box trace for the transform, but then it’s the same problem as number 2).

  4. Constraints: I have tried a physics constraint component (two actually, one for location and one for rotation). The constraint component (specifcally for location, I don’t remember if the rotation one was working) has a major problem for me where it doesn’t actually “constrain” the item, but will allow the item to move out of the constrained zone, and then bounce it back into the zone. I have tried messing with all of the settings like stiffness, damping, restitution, linear breakable, linear break threshold, linear plasticity, and I cannot get the constraint to stop bouncing the item. If I could get this restraint to simply stop the item from traveling outside of the given limit, I would 100% have my problems solved. It seems only logical to me that the answer lies here, and that I have just been unable to find it.

    I have also tried using “contraint mode” on the mesh component, and this has been useful to me, but it doesn’t have an adjustable limit, it simply won’t allow any movement at all (this is a problem because with no x/y movement, the mesh component doesn’t seem to be able to settle into a natural position (z is not constrained).

I have tried using the InstancedBody of the mesh component, but couldn’t figure out how to do much with it.

I have easily spent 30 hours on this problem, any help would be a great boon.
