What else do you have enabled in your Material? Your Base pass says it requires 754 instructions which is a lot considering you seem to only have a Vector Parameter connected to the Base Color input.
Yeah this does seem to be an issue I’m seeing also. I have one landscape HDA from houdini in my scene with a Landscape Layer Blend material with 10 materials connected. All the textures a re 2k with splat maps and Unreal is trying to constantly compile 20,000 shaders with every change - this is super unworkable!
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong, I thought unreal would be able to handle something relatively simple like this.
Yup same thing 2020 ue 4.25… and am spending all my time compiling even got test maps off the market place 2 hours 40k shaders to even open a level no matter how hard i search the net for a fix …i still cant find a fix to this and unreal techs are not even replying to the threads with solution which makes me believe that this has always been a limitation to the engine … if someone could even come up with a fix then this would solve so many issues
This is killing my VERY HIGH END PC. What’s going on with this compiling shaders all over the place and taking so much resources at BELOW NORMAL priority. WOW !!!
Has anyone found a fix for this? Our game is in VR, i pressed ‘play’ and put on my vr headset and t hen closed the test play- now UE is compiling 18000+ shaders…W…T…F!!! This has been driving me bananas for MONTHS now, someone PLEASE tell me there’s a simple fix for this.
I’m getting the same problems. Basically stops you from using the engine. Going back to Unity. At least Unity compiles a shader once after an update, and pretty quick, and you don’t have to think about it again.
I am not aware of why UE is compiling shaders so often but I think this is making my PC run extremely warm whenever I am working on even the simplest shader.
I can’t remember it being this bad in Unity ever, this is absolutely killing my I9-9900 PC and probably a substantial contributor to my electric bill, it’s also incredibly stressful to have to wait for shaders to compile and constantly lagging my PC for long intervals just because I changed a constant value or something relatively simple…
Could you please explain how to disable live prview or what it’s for? I tried disabling the Live Preview button but the shaders are still constantly compiling after making any changes (and overheat my PC).