Note: Also reproducible in 4.16
Reproducible from specific project and from empty project.
I am using the HTC Vive as my HMD + SteamVR as interface between UE4 and HMD.
Whenever there is an active MediaPlayer somewhere in the level, and I exit VR Preview mode, there is a 50% chance that the editor will completely crash. When it crashes, no Crash Report is generated. I have tried searching for logs but am unable to find any.
To reproduce this bug:
- Create a new blank project.
- Create a working media player mapped onto a plane or sphere in the level.
- Enter VR Preview mode with the HTC Vive.
- Exit VR Preview mode.
- Crash.
- If no crash, repeat open and close VR Preivew mode at least ten more times. (I never made it past 10 without it crashing).