console command TAA or MSAA

Is there a way to turn on MSAA or TAA in-game using console commands?
Is there a way to know what AA is active?

Same problem. Any feedback?

TAA can be enabled via using the console command for r.PostProcessAAQuality

The following values will enable specific features.

  • 0: off
  • 1: Very Low (Faster FXAA)
  • 2: Low (FXAA)
  • 3: Medium (Faster TemporalAA)
  • 4: High (Default TemporallAA)
  • 5: Very High
  • 6: Max

There is currently no way to enable MSAA for general use. Right now, this can only be used with Mobile that uses a forward rendering path.

I hope this helps,


Thanks for your response! MSAA is available on all mobile devices? I’m running the same gearVR project on an S6 and on a note4 (lollipop) and on the note4 it does not seem to be enabled

its in the release notes for 4.9

  • New: MSAA is now enabled by default when running on GearVR on Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy S6 devices. You can disable this by setting gearvr.EnableMSAA=0 in your ConsoleVariables.ini file.

In my test project for Gear VR MSAA appears to be enabled. If you’re having trouble with MSAA not working, I would urge you to post a new question since that is out of the scope of the original question here and if anyone else runs into the issue it would be easier to track and locate.

Thank you!

Ok, thanks. Just a quick question here: how do you tell if it is enabled or not? any console command or log?

By the way, I did open a separate post, but no feedback at the moment.

Have the corresponding commands changed at all since this post? Only 0, 1 and 3 seem to work, OFF, FXAA on or TAA on respectively. 2,4,5 and 6 seem to make no change whatsoever or to be more precise 1 and 2 seem like the same settings and 3,4,5 and 6 seem the same. How can I check what these console commands are actually affecting?

MSAA on deffered was in UE3, they scraped it because consoles couldn’t take it. Much less expensive than SSAA or blurry DSR. Here’s how to do it, if you want to add it to the source code of UE4:

  1. Clear stencil, Set stencil write
  2. Pass 1:
    if heuristic(depth/normal) do discard
    else shade per pixel
  3. Activate stencil test
  4. Pass2:
    shade per fragment

Simple as hell to pull off, looks more fantastic than any motionblurry temperal effect. I believe Assassin’s creed uses this method as well, but got a little help from nvidia for CSAA options. I hope someone makes a fork with the old method reimplemented.