Consistent workflow issue

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



We have noticed (been true for several versions now not something new with 29.30), that anytime one of our developers checks in the addition of a new editable field to a custom verse device and then checks that change in, when any other developer syncs that change the new field will not appear in the properties, until that user shuts down the editor and reloads (or switches to another project and the switches back again). If the developer just syncs and doesn’t restart, very often their editor will auto check out any in game instances of that device with the new field reset to the default value which if they aren’t careful and submit loses any data the original person setup when they added the new field(s).

Steps to Reproduce

User 1:
Create a custom verse device with editable fields
Add an instance of that device to a map
Submit those changes to version control

User 2:
Sync that project

User 1:
Add a new field to the custom verse device (primitive fields tend to behave better than custom classes or device references, so add a custom class with editable data and add an editable instance of that class)
Set the in game instance of your custom device to have non-default values for your new field(s)
Submit to version control

User 2:
Sync the changes from version 1
Look at the properties for the in game instance of the custom device

Expected Result

User 2 should see the new fields added by User 1 and they should be set to the correct (non-default values entered by User 1)

Observed Result

User 2 doesn’t see the new fields at all, or sometimes they are there but reset to default values
