Consistent Crashing when ending the game


I dont know how to repro this, but I attached the logs to maybe shed some light on whats happening. If anyone knows what it is, I would appreciate the insight as this is constantly crashing Fortnite and I can’t figure it out.

EDIT: After lots of testing, I figured out its the day sequence device, but I dont know why yet.

EDIT 2: Its the priority of the day sequence device. Changing it crashes both FN and UEFN on different occasions (UEFN when changing the value, FN when value is set to 3000 and game ends) These are two separate crashes btw, all because of that value.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Open live edit
End game
(in my case, not 100% repro, see logs for more)

Expected Result

Game not to crash

Observed Result

Game Score becomes 9999999 and then when ending game I crash. After I try to open live edit again, it shows a network error.



hi @Wertandrew ,
Found this errors myself
Fortnite Ecosystem v31.00 with Known Issues - Day Sequence Devices, Skydome Devices, and the legacy “Time of Day”)

This is not on a converted island though, I made this island from scratch in UEFN. I think the closest repro I have is to set priority to 3000 in day sequence device, then launch game, then end it.

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hi @Wertandrew

We will have to wait for a fix from Epic on this then

The status of FORT-786714 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

Thanks for reporting this!

The team took a look today and can confirm it was a memory corruption issue that’s resolved in 31.10 which releases tomorrow.

Apologies for the inconvenience

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