CONSISTENT BUG - Plants in Creative and UEFN have broken hitboxes!

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A massive range of plants/foliage in creative AND Uefn, have glitched/broken hitboxes.

When you run through them or stand on them, your character will stutter, glitch and sometimes have performance issues.

Its quite a big bug for heavily detailed maps.

Steps to Reproduce

STEP 1 Launch Creative or UEFN
STEP 2 Go into a blank island
STEP 3 Go to some of the nature galleries
STEP 4 Place down a variety of plants/flowers
STEP 5 Try to jump on top of them or run through them

You will then notice the glitching/stuttering on a LOT of the plants/flowers.

Expected Result

In game, i would expect to be able to jump into the flower/plant or run through it without stuttering or glitching on the screen.

It should be a simple fluid movement straight through the plant without any collision.

Observed Result

The observed result is that many plants have strange collision where they either cause performance issues when touched, or cause the player to shake or stutter.

This is particularly bad for creative creators as they can’t import their own plants.


Playstation 4
Playstation 5
Xbox One
Xbox Series S
Xbox Series X
Nintendo Switch

Additional Notes

The bug has been persisting for over 2 years now and has still not been addressed
It is a big issue for detailed maps
It is especially frustrating for Creative developers as they have no means of importing their own nature.

The status of FORT-762740 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’


YES this bug has been going on for FAR TOO LONG and am begging this gets fixed too. It’s so unnecessary that it should take this long to fix. Almost a YEAR now. That’s crazy. Praying this gets fixed asap. It’s the little things like that, that make me so angry.

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Yeah it is such an annoying bug to deal with.

So far it has been happening for over 2 years and creative creators have had to deal with it for that long.

It seriously needs fixing!


Hi Brandisnappy, Thanks for the report,

Linking these two, issues for tracking purposes.

I’m also looking forward to this getting fixed, Imagining thick foliage for my jungle warriors to navigate through. :palm_tree:


I have the exact same problem.

I have a huge Jungle map FULL of plants and foliage in 1.0, and since this bug started, the map has pretty much become unplayable since.


Thanks again everyone for reporting on this and sharing your insights. We are working on multiple fixes for this. It’s a bit extensive. Thank you for your patience!

So happy this is being worked on!

I will continue making fun poems ever update though, get ready for the next one! :rofl:

Cover Bushes still broken, the old one and the new big ones. Cant make it with no collision, i press no collision on uefn but still broken after upload the island to public version. please help!

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