I just cant connect to the Epic Games launcher Servers and getting error message “We are currently experiencing connection issues and are retrying”. DxLog and DebugLog is in the zip file.
ive tried everything on the Troubleshooting page. Nothing works for me. Even tried switching on TSL & SSL inet options. Ports all open, Firewall isnt the problem. Got newest win updates and graphic card drivers.
just wondering why i just get win32 installation folder, although ive got win7 64bit.
I’m having the same problem. I also tried to reinstall the launcher, and the option is no longer there to get the 64-bit version. It only lets me install 32-bit.
The launcher itself will not finish loading on either my desktop or my laptop.
I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Based on your Dxdiag, it appears that your GPU drivers are a little outdated. Could you please visit the Nvidia site and install the latest? Once you’ve done this, please post an updated version of your logs.
Did you install the launcher with the newest 2.8.1(?) version?
That was what was causing my own problem. I had to uninstall it, and reinstall an older version of the launcher I had stored, then just update it after.
yes, just have installed the newest version without any older one.
dont have any older version to test it. but couldnt join the servers in the past as well with older versions…so deinstalled in months ago…
edit: ok tested to install an older version first now and updating to newest. didnt work for me.
which older version did u install ?
I’m sorry it does not work for you. I reinstalled today, had the same problem and this fixed it. Make sure your Launcher’s properties looks like this: http://puu.sh/mfPUB/9344c30cd3.jpg
yeah looks like that. switched firewall, virus etc off as well. still not working.
ive looked into the debug files a bit. Just wondering y the logs telling that some files are missing. and still have no clue y i got just the win32 install folders and not the 64bit as well.
Hopefully some admins can figure that out. But thx 4 trying to help m8
We just pushed out a new version of the launcher. Could you please uninstall the launcher then download the latest msi and reinstall? Also, I noticed that you have it installed in a different directory than the default, could you try installing it in the default?
If this does not work, please add the modification to the target line as suggested above. If possible, could you send a screenshot of the properties of the shortcut.
no problem, holidays were in between!
deinstalled and reinstalled with newest version in the original folder. still not working. And again, it automatically installs just the win32 folder, no win64 folder existing.
Based on your log, it appears that the “-http=wininet” is not getting applied to your target line. Please verify that the switch has been added to the target line then right click on the shortcut for the launcher and select “Run as Administrator”.
I realize your screenshot shows the access level and the change, but for some reason it’s not being reflected in the log.
As for why you are seeing only a win32 install: we have recently made changes to the launcher to enable 32-bit compatibility. Initially a win32 bootstrapper installs. It will then determine your system specifications and download the 32- or 64-bit launcher as needed. It appears that your install is failing before it has a chance to download the proper version. Once the install completes, your launcher will show under the win64 folder.
Your issue has been reported as OPP-4985. We will respond back once we have an update for you.
ok, could be that its not shown because ive thought i have to do the logs with “-debuglogging”. Does he create the same debuglog file when i do it with “-http=wininet”? But in the end it doesnt work
so what can i do to get the win64 installation? cant do much more than downloading the file and install it and wait till the end
Hopefully theres a solution any time. thx 4 ur help.
edit: here an actual log done with “-http=wininet” Logs
The issue is that your system is not connecting with the Epic servers in order to download the launcher install files. When it is able to connect, it will automatically download the 64-bit version.