Connection between Runtime and Editor modules, Getting World from an editor

Hello, guys

I’m creating my own Quest Editor that supposed to be node-based like behavior tree editor, anim graph and etc.
There is a screenshot of my editor below so you can better understand what I’m talking about.

I created a plugin with two modules: Runtime and Editor, which implement the logic of the quest system and presentation in the editor, respectively.

My idea was to make some C++ logic inside the nodes and use it in the graph to create quest chains (including non-linear ones). That is, in fact, the nodes are the stages that make up the final quest.

My problem is that I don’t understand how to make these nodes really functional.
I was thinking of somehow getting the UWorld object, but I never found a way how to do it. Besides it seems like the editor has its own UWorld object, which in no way relates to the UWorld on the scene (if I’m not mistaken, of course).

My runtime objects inside EdNodes inherit UObject, so I can’t put them in a scene and use GetWorld() as if they were children of AActor.

Do you have any ideas or thoughts on how I can implement it?